Install github fails in conda environment on Linux

Anaconda for Biologists

In a conda installation of R on a Linux machine, devtools::install_github fails because it is unable to find the correct system commands: $ docker run --rm -it condaforge/linux-anvil bash conda install -y r-base r-devtools unzip $ R -q -e 'devtools::install_github("r-lib/devtools")' > devtools::install_github("r-lib/devtools") Downloading GitHub repo r-lib/devtools@master from URL Installation... [Read More]

Test markdown

Each post also has a subtitle

You can write regular markdown here and Jekyll-theme will automatically convert it to a nice webpage. I strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes to learn how to write in markdown - it’ll teach you how to transform regular text into bold/italics/headings/tables/etc. [Read More]
Tags: test

First post!

Hi hi from Thien. This is my first post, how exciting!